Latest Michigan State University Jobs Vacancies Opportunities (Remote Jobs)

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Remote Jobs Michigan State University (MSU) in East Lansing, MI, is currently seeking candidates for the Community Support Specialist (RHS Services Assistant II) position. This role involves performing general clerical duties to support the Community Director and the community of a MSU Residence Hall. Responsibilities include answering phones, scheduling appointments, sorting and delivering mail, maintaining departmental files, and ordering supplies. Additional tasks involve entering information into the MSU EBS system for reimbursements, assisting with key core changes, processing administrative requests, and collaborating with other staff on housing-related issues Remote Jobs.

The ideal candidate will have a high school education and one to three years of related work experience in typing, filing, and using various software programs. Desired qualifications include knowledge of MSU accounting and personnel forms, proficiency in Microsoft Office Suite, and a valid vehicle operator’s license. The candidate should be a self-starter with problem-solving skills, organizational abilities, leadership qualities, and experience working with diverse populations Remote Jobs.

Michigan State University offers equal employment opportunities to all applicants regardless of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, citizenship, age, disability, or veteran status. The standard work hours are from 8 AM to 5 PM, and the bidding eligibility ends on 7/2/24 at 11:55 PM Remote Jobs.

Michigan State University Job Vacancies Opportunity

Remote Jobs
Date Posted / Updated:June 27, 2024
Category / Sector:University / Education
Education:High School
Vacancy Location:East Lansing, MI
Organization:Michigan State University
Job Industry:Education / Clerical
Job Type:Full Time
Expected Last Date:July 2, 2024
Remote Jobs

Job Vacancies

  • RHS Services Assistant II

Job Vacancies Details

General clerical duties
Answering phones
Scheduling appointments
Sorting and delivering mail
Maintaining departmental files
Ordering supplies
Entering information into MSU EBS system
Assisting with key core changes
Processing administrative requests
Collaborating with other staff
Helping with housing-related issues
Remote Jobs

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Eligibility Criteria

EducationHigh School education
ExperienceOne to three years of related work experience
SkillsTyping, filing, use of various software programs
Software ProficiencyMicrosoft Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint
Additional QualificationsValid vehicle operator’s license
Desired SkillsProblem-solving, organizational skills, leadership qualities
Diversity ExperienceWorking with diverse racial, ethnic, socioeconomic, LGBTQIA+, and gender backgrounds
Remote Jobs

About Michigan State University

Michigan State University, located in East Lansing, MI, is a leading public research university known for its strong commitment to academic excellence and community engagement.

The university’s campus provides a vibrant setting for both academic and personal growth, offering a wide range of resources, including state-of-the-art facilities, extensive libraries, and numerous extracurricular activities. MSU is dedicated to creating a supportive and collaborative community where students, faculty, and staff can thrive.

Contact Details

Website URL:Online Apply
Address:426 Auditorium Road, East Lansing, MI 48824
Remote Jobs
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How to Apply (Remote Jobs)

  1. Visit the MSU Careers website.
  2. Search for the RHS Services Assistant II position.
  3. Prepare your resume and cover letter.
  4. Submit your application through the online portal.
  5. Wait for a confirmation email and further instructions.


What specific software skills are required for the RHS Services Assistant II position?

The position requires proficiency in Microsoft Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, RMS, Web Requisitioning, EBS, and Document Viewer. Familiarity with MSU accounting and personnel forms, policies, and procedures is also desirable.

What is the application deadline for the RHS Services Assistant II role at Michigan State University?

The application deadline is July 2, 2024, at 11:55 PM. Make sure to submit your application before this date to be considered for the position.

What are the main duties of the RHS Services Assistant II at MSU Residence Halls?

The main duties include performing general clerical tasks such as answering phones, scheduling appointments, sorting and delivering mail, maintaining departmental files, ordering supplies, entering information into the MSU EBS system, assisting with key core changes, processing administrative requests, collaborating with other staff, and helping with housing-related issues.

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