Latest NN Group Jobs Vacancies Opportunities (Remote Jobs)

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Remote Jobs At NN Group, our ambition is to be an industry leader, known for our customer engagement, talented people, and contribution to society. We are strengthening our emphasis on enhancing operational efficiency, and therefore we are focusing on standardization, automation, and re-use without losing our focus on CX and growth. Technology and data will enable us to successfully transform our business. To achieve this, we have embarked on a transformation programme focusing on six workstreams across our operating countries. We are excited to work towards our ambitious goals for the future. Are you up for a new challenge and would you like to help us shape the future? Read more below and applyRemote Jobs!

The platform and actual delivery of Data & AI capabilities are provided by the Data & AI team. It is in this team where the vacancy for Data & AI Tech Lead resides. The Tech lead is responsible for establishing an implementation vision & roadmap in close alignment with the Central Business Owner and architecture. The role requires a solid understanding of what is possible with Data / ML / Generative AI and the ability to use this knowledge to drive innovative solutions, optimize business processes, and enhance customer interactions. You will be end responsible for the performance of the IT team and the successful execution of the roadmap both centrally and in the NN International countries Remote Jobs.

NN invests in an inclusive, inspiring work environment and in skills and competences for the future. This way, we offer our employees the opportunity to get the best out of themselves. We offer a unique opportunity to play an important role in an international transformation programme and significantly impact the performance of NN International through Data, Machine Learning, and Generative AI. The job is fully remote as a virtual assignment for 1 to 3 years, with an employment contract under the local collective labour agreement (CLA) from one of the 11 countries where NN operates Remote Jobs.

NN Group Job Vacancies Opportunity

Remote Jobs
Date Posted / Updated:18/6/2024
Category / Sector:Private job
Education:Masters/ Bachelor’s degree in Technology, Information Management or related subject
Vacancy Location:Netherlands, Belgium, Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Spain, Greece, Turkey, Japan
Organization:NN Group
Job Industry:Data & AI
Job Type:Full Time
Expected Last Date:COMING SOON
Remote Jobs

Job Vacancies

  • Data & AI Tech Lead

Job Vacancies Details

Implementation Vision & RoadmapEstablish an implementation vision & roadmap in close alignment with the Central Business Owner and architecture
Data / ML / Generative AIUnderstand and use knowledge of Data / ML / Generative AI to drive innovative solutions
Execution of RoadmapDrive the execution of the roadmap centrally and in NN International countries
AI IntegrationDrive the integration of AI technologies to optimize business processes and customer interactions
Team PerformanceEnd responsible for the performance of the IT team
Remote Jobs

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Eligibility Criteria

EducationMasters/ Bachelor’s degree in Technology, Information Management or related subject
ExperienceDemonstrated ability to manage large-scale initiatives and engage stakeholders
Technology SkillsExperience with generative AI, ML Flows, Azure, and Data Bricks
Product ManagementExperience in product management and platforms
International ContextWorking in a federative International context is a plus
Remote Jobs

About NN Group

NN Group is committed to being an industry leader known for customer engagement, talented people, and contribution to society. The company is focused on enhancing operational efficiency through standardization, automation, and re-use while maintaining a strong focus on customer experience and growth. By leveraging technology and data, NN Group aims to transform its business successfully.

NN Group’s Data & AI team plays a crucial role in this transformation programme. The team is dedicated to developing world-class data and AI capabilities that will be leveraged across the entire organization. This enables NN Group to gain better insights, make more informed decisions, and drive innovation forward, ultimately achieving its ambitious goals for the future.

Contact Details

Website URLOnline Apply
AddressNN Group, 2595 AK The Hague, Netherlands
Remote Jobs
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How to Apply (Remote Jobs)

  • Visit the NN Group careers page.
  • Search for the Data & AI Tech Lead position.
  • Click on the job title to view the full job description.
  • Click on the “Apply” button.
  • Fill in the application form with your personal and professional details.
  • Submit your application.


What is the role of a Data & AI Tech Lead at NN Group?

The Data & AI Tech Lead is responsible for establishing an implementation vision & roadmap, driving the execution of the roadmap, integrating AI technologies, and optimizing business processes and customer interactions.

What qualifications are required for this position?

Candidates should have a Masters/ Bachelor’s degree in Technology, Information Management, or a related subject, along with experience in managing large-scale initiatives, generative AI, ML Flows, Azure, and Data Bricks.

Is the position remote?

Yes, this job is fully remote as a virtual assignment for 1 to 3 years, with regular travel required to meet the team.

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