Latest Golden Hippo Job Vacancies Opportunity (Remote Jobs)

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Remote Jobs Golden Hippo, an employee-owned company dedicated to health and wellness, is seeking a Retail Business Analyst to join their team. With over 1,400 team members, Golden Hippo creates best-in-class products aimed at improving the lives of people and their pets. The company’s brands generate over $1 billion in revenue annually, highlighting their success in the market Remote Jobs.

As a Retail Business Analyst at Golden Hippo, you will play a crucial role in tracking and forecasting retail business performance. This includes analyzing data to identify opportunities for increasing sales and improving ROI on marketing and sales programs. You will also conduct market, pricing, category, and competitive analysis to provide valuable insights for portfolio and pricing strategies. Additionally, you will work closely with the Sales team to track performance metrics and identify sales and distribution opportunities based on various data sources Remote Jobs.

The ideal candidate for this position should have a strong analytical background, with proficiency in Excel, Tableau, and similar applications. While a bachelor’s degree in business or a related field is required, a focus in Analytics is preferred. Previous experience in consumer goods analytics is also required, with 2-3 years being the minimum, and 4-6 years of related experience is preferred. Golden Hippo offers a range of benefits, including comprehensive healthcare coverage, retirement savings matching, and professional development opportunities, making it an exciting opportunity for those looking to advance their careers in the health and wellness industry Remote Jobs.

Golden Hippo Job Vacancies Opportunity

Remote Jobs
Date Posted / Updated:June 22, 2024
Category / Sector:Retail, Consumer Goods
Education:Bachelor’s Degree in Business or related field (required)
Vacancy Location:Remote (Office in Woodland Hills, CA)
Organization:Golden Hippo
Job Industry:Health & Wellness
Job Type:Full Time
Expected Last Date:Coming soon
Remote Jobs

Job Vacancies

  • Retail Business Analyst

Job Vacancies Details

Track ROI and analyze trade spend on key marketing and field sales programs
Conduct market, pricing, category, and competitive analysis
Track Sales team performance and identify sales and distribution opportunities
Create SKU level forecasts by customer
Planogram designs and development for major retailers
Support the implementation of a CRM program for field sales team
Remote Jobs

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Eligibility Criteria

Proficiency in Excel, Tableau, etc.
2-3 years of consumer goods analytics
Undergraduate degree in business or related field
Strong analytical skills
Bachelor’s Degree in Analytics
4-6 years of related experience
Remote Jobs

About Golden Hippo

Golden Hippo is an employee-owned company focused on improving lives through its health and wellness brands. The company has a dedicated team of over 1,400 members who work tirelessly to create best-in-class products that bring health and happiness to people and their pets. With a strong commitment to quality and innovation, Golden Hippo’s brands generate over $1 billion in revenue annually, demonstrating their significant impact and success in the market.

Golden Hippo’s mission extends beyond just creating products; they aim to educate the world on making smarter health choices. Their creative content helps inform consumers about better health practices, contributing to overall well-being. The company’s dedication to social responsibility is evident through their charity sponsorships and substantial donations, which have positively impacted communities worldwide. Golden Hippo also invests in its employees’ growth and well-being, offering comprehensive benefits, professional development opportunities, and a supportive work environment.

Contact Details

Website:Online Apply
AddressParis,united state
Remote Jobs
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How to Apply (Remote Jobs)

  • Visit the Golden Hippo website.
  • Navigate to the Careers section.
  • Find the Retail Business Analyst position.
  • Click “Apply Now” and follow the instructions.
  • Submit your application with required documents.


Does Golden Hippo offer remote work opportunities?

Yes, this Retail Business Analyst position is remote with an office in Woodland Hills, CA.

What benefits does Golden Hippo offer?

Golden Hippo offers comprehensive healthcare coverage, retirement savings matching, paid sick and mental health days, professional development opportunities, and more.

How can I verify the validity of job offers from Golden Hippo?

Golden Hippo recruiters will only contact you from their official company e-mail domain or through their internal Applicant Tracking System, Greenhouse. If you receive suspicious communications, contact Golden Hippo directly.

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