Latest ZerviZ Job Jobs Vacancies Opportunities (Remote Jobs)

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Remote Jobs ZerviZ, a leading consultancy and digital product development firm in Latin America, is seeking a talented individual for the role of Administrador de Chatwoot. This fully remote position offers an exciting opportunity to work with a diverse team across 13 countries, including the USA, Mexico, and Spain. As an Administrador de Chatwoot, you will be responsible for ensuring the efficient configuration and maintenance of ChatWoot, a customer service platform, to enhance user experience. Your role will involve designing and optimizing conversation flows, configuring automatic responses, and analyzing key metrics to improve overall performance. Additionally, you will provide training and support to users and internal teams, contributing to the continuous improvement of digital projects Remote Jobs.

The ideal candidate will have a background in a relevant field such as Systems Analysis or Computer Engineering, along with experience in customer service platforms and conversation management systems. Strong organizational skills are essential, as you will be required to manage and optimize user interaction flows effectively. This role offers the opportunity to work on innovative and quality-certified digital projects, making a significant impact in the digital services sector. Join ZerviZ and be part of a dynamic team that is passionate about delivering exceptional digital solutions to clients worldwide Remote Jobs.

ZerviZ offers a supportive and collaborative work environment where your contributions are valued. As part of the post-sales support and continuous improvement process, you will play a crucial role in ensuring a smooth user experience for clients. This is a unique opportunity to work remotely from anywhere in the world, allowing for flexibility in work hours and location. If you are looking for a challenging yet rewarding role in digital services, ZerviZ welcomes you to apply and become part of their innovative team Remote Jobs.

ZerviZ Job Vacancies Opportunity

Remote Jobs
Date Posted / Updated:16/6/024
Category / Sector:private
Educational Background:Customer Service
Vacancy Location:Remote
Job Industry:Digital Services
Job Type:Full Time
Expected Last Date:coming soon
Remote Jobs

Job Vacancies

  • Administrador de Chatwoot

Job Vacancies Details

Position:Administrador de Chatwoot
Responsibilities:Supervise ChatWoot configuration, maintain platform, design and optimize conversation flows, configure automatic responses, monitor performance, analyze metrics, provide training and support.
Requirements:Academic background in a relevant field, experience with customer service platforms, knowledge of conversation management systems, strong organizational skills.
Location:Fully remote
Application Deadline:N/A
Remote Jobs

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Eligibility Criteria

Academic Background:Relevant field
Experience:Customer service platforms
Skills:Conversation management systems, organizational skills
Remote Jobs

About ZerviZ

ZerviZ is a prominent consultancy and digital product development company that offers services across Latin America. With a strong focus on web platforms, CRM, back-office processes, backend development, and integration, ZerviZ has garnered extensive experience in delivering innovative digital solutions. One of its key strengths lies in providing post-sales support and continuous improvement services to clients, ensuring that their digital projects remain effective and up-to-date.

Operating in over 13 countries, including the USA, Mexico, and Spain, ZerviZ has established itself as a leader in the digital services sector. The company is known for its commitment to quality and excellence, offering a dynamic work environment where employees can thrive. Joining ZerviZ means being part of a team that is passionate about delivering exceptional digital products and services to clients globally.

Contact Details

Website:Online Apply
Address:United State
Remote Jobs
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How to Apply (Remote Jobs)

  1. Visit the ZerviZ website.
  2. Click on the Careers section.
  3. Select the administrator de Chatwoot position.
  4. Read the job description carefully.
  5. Click on the Apply button.
  6. Fill out the application form and submit it.


What is the work schedule for the Administrador de Chatwoot position?

The job is full-time and remote, offering flexibility in work hours. While specific work hours may vary, you will be expected to be available during standard business hours in your time zone to coordinate with team members and clients.

Is there a deadline for submitting applications?

There is no specified deadline for submitting applications. ZerviZ accepts applications on a rolling basis and will consider candidates until the position is filled. However, it is recommended to apply as soon as possible to increase your chances of being considered.

Can candidates from any country apply?

Yes, the position is open to candidates from any country. ZerviZ values diversity and encourages candidates from different backgrounds and locations to apply. Remote work allows for a global talent pool, ensuring the best fit for the role.

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