Latest Government Jobs | District Health Authority Faisalabad Jobs

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Government Jobs District Health Authority Faisalabad has announced job vacancies for Vaccinators and Community Health Workers/Social Mobilizers in Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan. These positions are part of efforts to enhance vaccination coverage in urban and peri-urban slum areas, contributing to public health initiatives aimed at improving community well-being Government Jobs. The vacancies require candidates to possess specific educational qualifications: a diploma from Punjab Medical Faculty (PMF) for Vaccinators and Intermediate education for Community Health Workers/Social Mobilizers. Applicants should be between 25 to 45 years old and preferably residents of Faisalabad district.

The application process involves submitting a handwritten application along with verified copies of educational documents, diplomas, and CNIC. Applicants are required to clearly indicate the position they are applying for on the envelope. Interviews for Vaccinators will be conducted on July 1 and 5, 2024, while interviews for Community Health Workers/Social Mobilizers will take place on July 6, 2024. Interested candidates are encouraged to apply promptly to be considered for these crucial roles in public health service delivery in Faisalabad.

District Health Authority Faisalabad is committed to ensuring effective healthcare delivery and promoting health equity within the community. By expanding its workforce through these vacancies, the authority aims to strengthen its capacity to reach underserved populations and increase immunization coverage. This initiative aligns with broader public health goals of reducing disease burden and improving health outcomes across Faisalabad district Government Jobs. Candidates who meet the eligibility criteria are encouraged to apply, contributing to the authority’s mission of providing accessible and quality healthcare services to all residents.

District Health Authority Faisalabad Job Vacancies Opportunity

Government Jobs
Date Posted / Updated:25 June, 2024
Category / Sector:Government
Newspaper:Express Jobs
Vacancy Location:Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan
Organization:District Health Authority
Job Industry:Management Jobs
Job Type:Full Time
Expected Last Date:01 July, 2024
Government Jobs

Job Vacancies

  • Vaccinators
  • Community Health Worker / Social Mobilizer

Job Vacancies Details

Job TitleVacanciesAge LimitQualification
Vaccinators1025-45 yearsDiploma from Punjab Medical Faculty (PMF)
Community Health Worker / Social Mobilizer1025-45 yearsIntermediate
Government Jobs

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Eligibility Criteria

Age Limit25-45 years
EducationDiploma from PMF (for Vaccinators), Intermediate (for Community Health Worker)
Residence PreferenceResident of Faisalabad district preferred
Additional PreferenceHigher education qualifications will be given priority
Government Jobs

About District Health Authority Faisalabad

The District Health Authority Faisalabad plays a pivotal role in the healthcare landscape of Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan. As a governmental body, its primary objective is to ensure the provision of essential health services and the implementation of public health programs across the district. The authority focuses on promoting community health through various initiatives, including vaccination drives, disease prevention campaigns, and health education programs aimed at improving overall well-being.

Under the umbrella of Punjab’s health infrastructure, the District Health Authority Faisalabad operates with a commitment to serving the local population effectively Government Jobs. It collaborates closely with healthcare professionals, community stakeholders, and government agencies to address public health challenges and enhance healthcare accessibility. By prioritizing initiatives that target urban and peri-urban slum areas, the authority aims to mitigate health disparities and foster healthier living conditions for all residents of Faisalabad.

Contact Details

AdressFaisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan
Government Jobs
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How to Apply (Government Jobs)

  • Prepare copies of educational documents, diplomas, and CNIC.
  • Interviews for Vaccinators will be held on 1st and 5th July 2024.
  • Interviews for Community Health Workers / Social Mobilizers will be held on 6th July 2024.


What are the educational requirements for these positions?

Vaccinators must have a diploma from the Punjab Medical Faculty (PMF).
Community Health Workers/Social Mobilizers require at least an Intermediate qualification.

Is residency in the Faisalabad district mandatory to apply?

While residency in the Faisalabad district is preferred, it is not mandatory. However, preference will be given to candidates residing within the district.

How can I prepare for the interview?

Prepare by familiarizing yourself with the role’s responsibilities and the District Health Authority’s initiatives.
Bring all required documents, including educational certificates and identification.
Be ready to discuss your experience in healthcare or community mobilization, depending on the position you applied for.

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